5 Steps To Breaking Free From Porn

5 Steps To Breaking Free From Porn5 Steps To Breaking Free From Porn
by Joe Dallas

You know the problem… the magnetic pull… the ensuing guilt and the resolve to never view pornography again – until you’re lured once again into the repetitive cycle.

If that’s you, you’re not alone.  Porn has become so commonplace, even among Christians, that its use has woven itself into the daily lives of countless men and women, disrupting marriages and short-circuiting believers’ effectiveness for God.  Users of pornography know their habit is wrong, but they ask, “What can I do to stop?  How do I say no when porn tempts me?”

Based on his more than 25 years working with Christian men caught in the porn trap, Joe Dallas developed a five-step plan for breaking the cycle – a plan you can implement to keep yourself from the wake of destruction pornography creates.


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