Better Together

Better Together
By Danielle Strickland

Is it possible after the #MeToo and #ChurchToo movements for men and women to actually find hope and healing and create a better world – together?

We are currently at a strategic cultural intersection with relationships between women and men eroding.  And it seems no one knows what to do. While it is good for women to expose their pain, what often happens is that they immediately blame the person at the other end of it, which sets up a never-ending cycle of accusations, denial, avoidance, and ultimately devastation for everyone involved.

This moment of discovery should not signal the end but instead become an opportunity to create a different world where men and women are better together.

Better Together is a beacon of hope in a challenging storm. It’s where thoughts can be rechanneled and hope rekindled as author Danielle Strickland offers steps toward a real and workable solution.  Her premise is that two things are needed for change:
1)  imagine a better world, and
2)  understand oppression.

Understanding how oppression works is an important part of undoing it.  Let Danielle inspire you to believe that change is possible and equip you with ideas and strategies that will compel you to action.

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