Developing an Effective Worship Ministry

Developing an Effective Worship Ministry
By Tom Kraeuter

Although the current emphasis on praise and worship has brought a deluge of worship recordings as well as books and teachings, relatively little has been written about the specifics of developing this ministry within the local church.  Finally, here is practical, to-the-point teaching that makes the ministry of praise and worship approachable.  Local churches will benefit immensely from these proven ideas and helpful tools.  This book offers true help for those endeavoring to “make His praises glorious” (Psalm 66:2).

Developing an Effective Worship Ministry (2nd Edition) will give you a solid foundation and practical steps to follow.  Whether your church is just beginning in praise and worship or you’ve been using a contemporary style of worship for years, this book will help undergird your current program and give further insights to help you move ahead.

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