Jesus Centered Youth Ministry
By Rick Lawrence
It’s one thing to build your youth ministry on Jesus. It’s another thing to keep it there. You stepped into ministry passionate about pointing teenagers to Jesus. Committed to keeping Christ the absolute center of your orbit-and inviting kids to join you there. Now sometimes the focus feels fuzzy. You lead tons of activities – Bible studies, mission trips, deep discussions – and they’re all good. But do they all point teenagers to Jesus Imagine the power of a youth ministry focused on Jesus. . . and Jesus only. Where absolutely everything turns kids toward the cross.
Where you and your kids follow Christ. Where the Big Question is ever and always how to know, live, share, and grow in a relationship with Jesus. # This book is for anyone who wants to renew the raw energy of Christ in his or her life, but it is # Written for youth pastors who’ve been at it awhile; who are ready to evaluate what they’re doing. . . why they’re doing it. . . and what impact their programs are having on youth. # Readers will also find the results of exclusive research commissioned by Group magazine–thoughtfully explored by Group magazine’s editor. This research sheds light on how teenagers really feel about their faith. . . and how youth pastors really feel about their ministries.
Rick Lawrence has been editor of Group Magazine for 26 years, and serves on the leadership team for the Simply Youth Ministry Conference. He’s the author, co-author, or editor of 34 books, including the small-group curriculum In Pursuit of Jesus and the books 99 Thoughts on Jesus-Centered Living, Shrewd: Daring to Obey the Startling Command of Jesus, Sifted: God’s Scandalous Response to Satan’s Outrageous Demand, and Skin in the Game.