Who Is This Man

Who Is This Man?
By John Ortberg

On the day after Jesus’ death, it looked like whatever mark he left on the world would rapidly disappear.  Instead, his impact on human history had just begun.

John Ortberg has written a powerful testament to the impact that Jesus has had on human history, on the human condition, and on our understanding of the obligations of one human being to another.  John demonstrates that nothing in our existence has been quite the same since that fateful Sunday so long ago.  The real power of this book rests in the paradox of our faith: that to follow Jesus is not a pathway to an easy life, but a call to do hard things if we are to live in the image of our Lord.

“John Ortberg has nailed one of the Big Lies of Our Time, the assertion that Christianity has been part of the problem rather than the source of the solution.  Most people today don’t realize that things we now take for granted, like education and health care, were reserved for the rich elite in the ancient world until the Christians insisted on providing them for everyone within reach.” N.T. Wright, University of St. Andrews

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